Source Names for Internal Programs


name red logo

Brightidea Name

Efficiently gather and evaluate a variety of unique names for any project.

Collect Ideas

Rapidly Collect
Name Ideas

Selection Process

Run Efficient
Selection Process


Communicate Back
to All Participants

“A brand name can be one of the most valuable assets a company possesses.”

Nielsen Logo

Advanced Capabilities to Find Unique Project Names in Less Time

Use Brightidea Name to efficiently collect and short-list potential names.

Name - Microsite

Provide a Site to Collect and Vote on Names

With the setup wizard and design templates in Name, you can have a high-quality, engaging website for your target audience in just a few clicks. The site provides a single place to submit and vote on potential names.

Name - Duplicate Checker

Instantly Check for Previously Proposed Names

When you type a name into the inline duplicate checker, results matching the letters as you type them will be listed below in real time, ensuring that no efforts are later wasted on culling duplicate names.

Name - Submission Scoring

Easily Evaluate and Select Names

Name makes the evaluation process easy with a numerical scoring function for rating name submissions. Select the final project name from a list of the highest rated submissions.

Naming Microsite

Provide a Site to Collect and Vote on Names

With the setup wizard and design templates in Name, you can have a high-quality, engaging website for your target audience in just a few clicks. The site provides a single place to submit and vote on potential names.

Name - Microsite

Duplicate Checker

Instantly Check for Previously Proposed Names

When you type a name into the inline duplicate checker, results matching the letters as you type them will be listed below in real time, ensuring that no efforts are later wasted on culling duplicate names.

Name - Duplicate Checker

Submission Scoring

Easily Evaluate and Select Names

Name makes the evaluation process easy with a numerical scoring function for rating name submissions. Select the final project name from a list of the highest rated submissions.

Name - Submission Scoring

“Brightidea has assisted us greatly in our goal to ‘fan the flames’ of innovation within our enterprise.”

Unum Logo

The Corporate Innovation Imperative


One Innovation Program to Rule Them All


Revealing the Best Kept Secrets in Innovation Management



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Just One of the Many Apps in Brightidea Program

Your role as an innovation leader is expanding—and we’re right there with you.
Explore the other innovation apps in Program.

Discuss App Icon


Explore App Icon


Hack App Icon


Name App Icon


Optimize App Icon


Pitch App Icon


Recognize App Icon


Solve App Icon


Slash App Icon
