Find Your Next Killer App



Apply Logo Green

Brightidea Apply

Discover the best ways to apply an emerging technology to create a new product or improve a process.

Research Emerging Technologies

Research Emerging

Crowdsource Application Ideas

Crowdsource New
Application Ideas

Quanitify Application Ideas

Quantify Application

Leveraging the rapid advancements in technology to create increasingly innovative products and services, businesses are driving unprecedented changes in the way people work and live.

Accenture Gray Logo

Advanced Capabilities to Find New Applications for Emerging Tech

Use Brightidea Apply to identify the most impactful technology for your business.

Apply - Challenge Microsite

Centrally Crowdsource and Evaluate Application Ideas

With Apply’s setup wizard and design templates, you can easily launch a high-quality, engaging website to crowdsource and evaluate ideas on new ways to apply emerging technologies.

Apply - Cross Collaboration

Leverage Diverse Perspectives Across the Company

Collect ideas from people typically outside of the marketing or R&D function on how to leverage technology in new ways. A dashboard depicts levels of engagement and collaboration across departments.

Apply - Quantitative Evaluations

Score and Compare Possibilities for Viability

Once ideas for new technology applications are submitted, it’s easy for employees to assess their viability and cost benefit. The highest scoring ideas can then be chosen to pursue further.

Challenge Microsite

Centrally Crowdsource and Evaluate Application Ideas

With Apply’s setup wizard and design templates, you can easily launch a high-quality, engaging website to crowdsource and evaluate ideas on new ways to apply emerging technologies.

Apply - Challenge Microsite

Cross Collaboration Dashboard

Leverage Diverse Perspectives Across the Company

Collect ideas from people typically outside of the marketing or R&D function on how to leverage technology in new ways. A dashboard depicts levels of engagement and collaboration across departments.

Apply - Cross Collaboration

Quantitative Evaluations

Score and Compare Possibilities for Viability

Once ideas for new tech applications are submitted, it’s easy for employees to assess their viability and cost benefit. The highest scoring ideas can then be chosen to pursue further.

Apply - Quantitative Evaluations

The flexibility of Brightidea has been instrumental in helping us customize and evolve our program.

HP Gray Logo

The Corporate Innovation Imperative


One Innovation Program to Rule Them All


7 Must Haves for Big Returns on Your Innovation Investment



Ready to Find Your Next Killer App?



Just One of the Many Apps in Brightidea Lab

Your role as an innovation leader is expanding—and we’re right there with you.
Explore the other innovation apps in Lab.

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