Jillian Kurvers Joins Brightidea’s Customer Success Team as Director of Content

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Jillian Kurvers joined Brightidea’s Customer Success team as the director of content to help us share innovation best practices with customers. Here’s a little more about Jillian in her own words:

What were you doing before you joined Brightidea?

Before Brightidea, I was a content marketing manager for two lines of business at a large organization. It’s interesting to note that while working there, the company ran an “innovation jam” on its own, the result of which was something called Bagel Monday. (As you can imagine, this meant bagels were made available to employees on Mondays.) Prior to that, I was an editor at a content marketing agency, often writing on the topic of innovation for large technology companies, some of which are Brightidea customers.

What does innovation mean to you?

Let me start by telling you what innovation does not mean to me: Bagels. To me, innovation is ideation that leads to new improvements or inventions that add value to society.

What gets you excited about working for Brightidea?

That I get to think about question number two and work with people who dedicate their careers to defining and giving structure to question number two so that companies have a process that allows their best ideas to surface.

What new innovation are you most excited about?

3D printing because it’s such a departure from what we are used to, as far as printing goes, that it cannot be imagined in the context of the current technology. That, to me, is truly revolutionary. That and the fact that we can print everything from jewelry to jet engines to human organs—without running out of ink.

What do you do for fun?

I do a lot of what I like to call ball-oga-lates—it’s a fusion of ballet, yoga, and Pilates, plus some pretty embarrassing dancing that doesn’t bear mentioning. I also like NASCAR, bourbon, and writing (but not necessarily sending) postcards. I’m also beginning to dabble in foosball, but only at the office.
