Ice Breaker Template – Roundtable

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Roundtable Template

What is the template?

Use the virtual or in person Ice Breaker Templates to host a fun and engaging session with your team.

How do you use it?

When you’re ready to host your meeting, start by selecting this template. It’s easy to use, so you can start planning immediately without any training. Then, follow these steps to create the perfect ice breaker.

Step 1: Choose a seat

Add a picture of your avatar and place it in a seat at the table, showcase via the circles to the right. (Hint: use your profile image within the reactions in the left)

Step 2: Bring something to the table

Imagine you were all meeting in person, and sitting at a conference room table. Now, imagine the one object you would have with you.. got it? Go find an image online, and paste it directly in front of your avatar. Go around the room and share what you would be bringing to the meeting!

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