It’s Time to Start a Collaborative Innovation Program – Tell Your Boss!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Innovation is the driving force behind growth and progress in any industry, and the core of any long-term business strategy. While companies do many different things to stimulate innovation, crowdsourcing has the highest leverage among small teams. Crowdsourcing and Collaborative Innovation lets leaders harness the creative capacity of employees, get quick wins, scale impact and have measurable outcomes. With market competition at an all-time high, maximizing impact from your Collaborative Innovation program is mission critical.

Why is it so important to always be innovating? If you don’t do it, someone else will, and you’ll find yourself in an unenviable position – like Kodak.

Kodak used to kill it – till it died. Kodak dominated the photographic film industry from its inception in 1888 all the way through the 1980’s. As digital photographic technologies emerged in the 1990’s, many of which were developed by Kodak itself, the company was painstakingly slow to incorporate these new developments in its products and get them to market. It soon found itself eclipsed by other digital camera and imaging companies, many of which were even using Kodak patents. By 2007, Kodak was no longer turning a profit. It struggled until 2012, when it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Don’t let this happen to your company.

Even the most established businesses are at risk of disruption. Dedicated Collaborative Innovation programs save the day.

Now you can convince your boss it’s time to start your own Collaborative Innovation Program. Download our new paper to explore:
1. Collaborative Innovation is Proven, Predictable and Repeatable
2. Innovation is Scalable
3. Ad Hoc Efforts Aren’t Successful
4. Your Competition Is Doing It
5. Employee Productivity and Resource Management are Enhanced
6. Employees are Inspired
7. Disrupts the Status Quo
8. Continuous Improvement IS Innovation
9. Implementation is Easy and Success Will Happen

Download the full whitepaper here: It’s Time to Start a Collaborative Innovation Program – Tell Your Boss!